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U. gibba


Growing environment

Light: T5HO Sunblaze, 2 foot, 4 lamps

          Bulbs: Four 6500°K lamp

          Lumens: 5000 lumens per lamp


Soil type: I grow this plant aquatically, rooted in a pot full of peat moss with a layer of sand over the top

Other information

An aquatic carnivorous plant with a wide range. It's an easy grower and is happy even in the water trays of other carnivorous plants. 


I grow mine in a shallow plastic container. To set up a container for one place at least an inch of LFS moss or peat moss in the bottom and cover it with a thick layer of sand. Carefully fill the container with distilled water to about 2 inches above the sand, try not to disturb the sand. 


Place your aquatic bladderwort in the water and it will root. You can bury a piece of your plant in the sand to encourage this.


My plant only flowered when it filled the pot with a mat of bladders and was able to root

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