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U. dichotoma


Growing environment

Light: T5HO Sunblaze, 2 foot, 4 lamps

          Bulbs: Four 6500°K lamp

          Lumens: 5000 lumens per lamp


Humidity: Approx. 60%


Soil type: 3 parts peat, 1 part sand



Use distilled water only


Always keep it sitting in at least an inch of water

Other information

I grow this plant on the tray system sitting in one to three inches of distilled water. It has a long flower stalk, and put of flowers in a pair as you can see in the photo.


It easily invades other pots and has longer oval shaped leaves.

​Leaf shape

This plant has small, elongated leaves that will densely cover the soil. It has a habit of spreading to neighboring pots.

Flower shape

U. dichotoma can have extremely long flower stalks with flowers coming off it in pairs.

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