P. kondoi
Growing environment
Light: T5HO Sunblaze, 2 foot, 4 lamps
Bulbs: Four 6500°K lamp
Lumens: 5000 lumens per lamp
Humidity: Approx. 60%
Soil type: 2 parts peat, 1 part sand, 1 part perlite
Use distilled water only
Sitting in one to two inches of water, let all the water evaporate between watering
Other information
A miniature species, around the size of a dime, it has thick, slightly pointed, leaves.
Propagate with leaf pullings. These aren't always successful but I typically get 3 out of 4 leaves to propagate.
It can be challenging to get leaf pullings from this plant due to its size and leaf shape. I typically use a pair of tweezers to push the leaves to the left then right until it pops off the main plant. Don't grab the leaves with the tweezers as that will puncture the leaves