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P. gypsicola

Growing environment

Light: T5HO Sunblaze, 2 foot, 4 lamps

          Bulbs: Four 6500°K lamp

          Lumens: 5000 lumens per lamp


Humidity: Approx. 60%


Soil type: 2 parts peat, 1 part sand, 1 part perlite




Use distilled water only


Other information

This can be a more challenging butterwort to propagate due to its dormancy requirements. 


Once it starts producing smaller, tighter leaves, start decreasing the water level until the soil goes totally dry. 


Keep the soil dry during its winter dormancy period. Once it starts to produce carnivorous leaves again, slowly start watering it again. Water from the top, start by sitting it in  about a quarter inch of water, letting the water evaporate and the soil dry between watering. Slowly start increasing the amount of water you sit it in.


Leaf pullings can be done while the plant is in dormancy and are highly successful (see photo two). Gently pull the leaves off and set them on top of their preferred soil type. Keep the leaf pullings sitting in around an inch of water, letting the water evaporate before refilling.

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