D. serpens
Growing environment
Light: T5HO Sunblaze, 2 foot, 4 lamps
Bulbs: Four 6500°K lamp
Lumens: 5000 lumens per lamp
Humidity: Approx. 60%
Soil type: 3 parts peat, 1 part sand
Use distilled water only
Always keep it sitting in at least an inch of water
Other information
Grows well from seed. Spread seeds on top of 3 parts peat, 1 part sand mix and water like normal. Once the seedlings sprout, feed them to significantly increase growth.
I feed my plant freeze dried blood worms which you can pick up at any pet store.
Be sure to collect seeds! This plant is an annual so you will need to collect and grow it from seed each year to keep it in your collection.
From my experience, the flowers will self pollinate but its possible you could increase the number of seeds you get by manually pollinating them.